Celebrating Earth

Producer: Mike O'Connell
2023 marks the Year of the Trail in our state and throughout the year we’ll be taking you on great trails around North Carolina. And one of the best is a hike through the longleaf pine forests of Weymouth Woods.
Website: ncparks.gov/state-parks/weymouth-woods-sandhills-nature-preserve
The North Carolina Year of the Trail series is presented by the State Employees Credit Union Foundation.
Producer: Clay Johnson
Come along for an adventure-filled story with Green River Adventures offering kayaking, whitewater rafting, rappelling and more.
Website: greenriveradventures.com
Producer: David Hardy
Join Deborah Holt Noel as she explores the Greensboro Science Center and learns about its mission of conservation, science and fun.
Website: greensboroscience.org
Producer: Rob Holiday
Join producer Rob Holliday up in the branches as he visits a treehouse resort in China Grove.
Website: cherrytreesort.com
Producer: Miriam McSpadden
Mary Garrison believes in the art of community and she fashions her crafts and market around natural products, including bees.
Website: willabeemarket.com