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State of Change


Watch State of Change on PBS

A PBS NC Original Production

State of Change: Living with Water explores how NC communities are returning waterways to a natural state to address the impacts of climate change. Stories include how the Battleship North Carolina modified its marshy surroundings to adapt to rising sea levels, how Conserving Carolina is working to restore floodplains in western NC and how the Coharie Indian Tribe is reconnecting with the river they’ve lived on for centuries.

State of Change is part of the Pulitzer Center’s Connected Coastlines reporting initiative.

State of Change: Living with Water premieres Thursday, 4/17, 8:30 PM on PBS NC and the PBS app. Find additional airtimes across PBS NC & the North Carolina Channel on our TV Schedules page.

State of Change: Living with Water Screening and Discussion event.

Tuesday, April 22, 7 PM

State of Change: Living with Water Screening and Discussion

Join us in person (or virtually) for a special screening of State of Change: Living with Water followed by a panel discussion with local subject-matter experts from around the state who will provide an up-close look at climate change issues and answer your questions in-person and via the virtual chat.


Climate Change Stories

Hear from North Carolinians in these stories about climate change effects & innovative solutions across the state.

Charles looks up among the trees. Text is "Because [these trees] are almost 3000 years old, they give us the story of weather east of the Rockies." -Charles Robbins

NC's Ancient Trees

Our ancient trees are not just beautiful and majestic. They provide an accurate record of more than two millennia of weather east of the Rockies.

Video Stories

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State of Change is produced with support from the NC Department of Natural and Cultural Resources and is part of the Pulitzer Center’s Connected Coastlines reporting initiative.

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